Julie's Document Website / Arcadius Universe

Arcadius Universe

Documents relating to the ArcadiusMC server

ArcadiusMC was a project between me, and two of my friends to make a server focused on 3 factions with loads of features.

The project came to an end when we decided that working on the server was becoming more like a 2nd job than something we enjoyed doing.

Now, ArcadiusMC is just the name of the organization on GitHub I write my Minecraft-related code under.



Documents about the Dungeons

Arcadius Event Docs

Documents outlining ArcadiusMC Succession Events and systems.

Arcadian Religion

Abstract Religion in the world of Arcadius is polytheistic, worship is split between several gods, and you pray to the god that's relevant to what you're struggling with. For example, if you need luck on a journey over sea, you'd pray to the sea god …


Introduction This document describes a system of merchants and tradesmen that richer players can interact with. This sytem allows players to give large quantities of items to merchants, who then "embark" on a voyage to sell the goods overseas. All …

The First Emperor

Abstract The First Emperor is an almost mythical figure that is worshipped as a god. The true identity of him has since been long forgotten, with each faction that vies over the Empire claiming their faction to be descended from the First Emperor. …

The Latins Senate

Introduction This document describes the in game Arcadian Senate, how it functions, who can join it and what benefits it could have. The senate works by having members vote on motions proposed by other members. Purpose The purpose of the senate is …


Introduction This document describes the imperial treasury system. A relatively simple system for storing the amount of money earned by the imperial government and its relative payout. Purpose To keep track of the economic movement of the server. …