This document will outline the way players interact with the Dungeons and how systems of the dungeons work.
This section describes the way the players enter and prepare for the dungeons.
Players can enter the Dungeons at a Dungeon Lobby area, where they are given an option to join an existing dungeon party or create their own.
Parties can be joined in one of 2 ways: Be invited, or request to join.
Dungeon Party owners can invite players to join their parties, when the invite is sent, a message appears in chat with both accept and deny buttons.
To join a party, they select an available party in a menu and apply to join it. This sends a request to the party's owner, who then has the option to deny the requesting player, or accept them.
When a player joins a party, any join requests they've sent out are cancelled, and any pending invites sent to that player are automatically denied/cancelled.
Party Creation and Managing
Players select the option to create their own party from a menu in the Dungeons Lobby area.
Once a party has been created, the party owner can do one of the following through a Delphi menu:
- Invite Others
After clicking the button, a separate menu opens next to the main party menu that displays a list of players. The list is displayed with the player's name on the left as well as a head, with an invite button aligned to the right side of the screen.
If a player is already in the party, the invite link should be grayed out, if the player has been invited, but not yet accepted, the invite link should be yellow and display a tooltip that states the player is pending.
- Join Requests
After clicking the button, a separate menu opens next to the main party menu that displays a list of players with accept and deny buttons.
This lists the players that have requested to join the party.
- Settings
- After clicking the button, a separate menu opens next to the main party menu
that displays the following options for the party owner to change:
- Dungeon Size
- A button that toggles between one of 3 options: "Large", "Medium", "Small"
- Difficulty
- A button that toggles between one of 3 options: "Hard", "Normal", "Easy"
- Begin
Once clicked, the dungeon will generate and the players will be teleported into the generated level.
When clicked, the menu will turn into a loading bar. Or, if estimating loading progress is not possible, then the entire menu will simply feature the text "Generation in progress..."
- Disband
- Once clicked, disbands the party.
This section describes the player's interactions with the Dungeons after level has been generated.
Player Spawning
Right after generation, all players in a dungeon party will be moved to the level's spawn point(s). If there is only one, players will be spawned in a fixed radius around that spawn point.
Mob fighting is done through mob spawners in MOB_ROOM
rooms. Players enter the room and mobs are spawned for them to fight.
Upon entering a room with spawners, the world border for the players entering
the room is limited to just that room. Ensuring that players must either fight
or die in that room.
Player Death
If the party is comprised of only one person, then upon death, that player is booted to the game over section. If there are other spectator players in the party, they are also booted to the game over section.
If, the party is comprised of multiple people, then upon a player's death, the player drops all their items and EXP, and they're placed into spectator.