Event Rules
The following checks must be passed during testing for an event to be considered in 'acceptable' conditions:
- Dying in the event must remove you from the event instantly and nullify any potential score gain, as well as remove any event-provided items and/or effects.
- Quitting in the event must do the same as above.
- It should be impossible to enter the event with potion effects, they must
be either:
- Cleared upon entering
- Prevented from entering if they possess potion effects
- Entering the event should function perfectly each time
- Exiting the event should function perfectly each time
- Completing the event, different from exiting, should follow the event's
context and assign scores only if:
- The player's score is higher than their record
- The event uses the assign-only-if-score-greater rule
- Alt accounts are not permitted to gain score on the same ground as main
accounts, when dealing with an alt, one of the following methods must be
- The alt is unable to enter (preferred)
- The alt is unable to gain score
- The alt's score is given to the main
The follwing are optional checks which apply on a per-event basis:
- Entering the event with items in your inventory shouldn't be possible, it should be checked. An event may never remove items from, or clear, your inventory, unless the items were given by the event
If the event uses an 'arena' which is built either by generation or example-pasting the following should be checked:
- The arena generates correctly,
- All triggers within the arena function correctly
- Any and all spawned or moved entities be placed correclty
- Any and all spawned or moved entities function correclty
- If the arena features a 'tick list' then the following must be
- Each tick-list-entry is ticked correctly and at correct intervals
- Any exception thrown by an entry does not stop the tick's execution
- Any exception thrown by an entry is logged in console
Events must block the following commands:
tpa, tpask, tpahere, tpaskhere, tpdeny, tpcancel, tpaccept, home, echest,
ec, enderchest, wb, workbench, kit, back, workb, warp
Project rules
Any project for a Succession Event must - from here on out - follow the
following naming principle: {MONTH}-{YEAR}-{NAME}Event
An example
would be April-2022-PrankEvent