Julie's Document Website / Delphi Menu Engine

Delphi Menu Engine

A menu engine for Minecraft that uses XML and CSS and renders menus using ingame Display Entities.

Delphi documentation: dev.arcadiusmc.net/menus


Dev Journal

Development log.

Journal cataloging the development of Delphi from the 19th of January 2025.

NLayout Engine

The biggest nightmare in this project.

Introduction This document describes the process of writing the NLayout engine that executes layout for Delphi and how it works. This part, the layout engine, has been the most difficult part of the Delphi project to date, executing layout with so …

Rendering Elements

Turning DOM elements into display entities.

Introduction This document describes the process of turning DOM elements into render objects and how those objects are rendered into display entities. The rendering is part of the delphirender module. Note: The document uses a lot of pseudo code …