Julie's Document Website / Delphi Menu Engine / Dev Journal

Dev Journal

Development log.

Journal cataloging the development of Delphi from the 19th of January 2025.


Input elements and devtools


Been a while since I wrote any updates here, apologies, real life got in the way. But alas, I've reworked some stuff and added support for <input/> elements. I had some issues implementing these elements and confusion conceptually, mentioned …

DOM Restructuring And Lots of Boring Systems


Intro Yeah, I kinda forgot about this project after I got a bit burned out. But I'm back and with some major changes to the structure of the API and the DOM tree. But before all that, little sneak peek at the dev tools I started working on: I'm just …

Major rendering and layout updates


This, unlike the previous entries is being written retrospectively, so there will be missing screenshots and things. I added support for inline margins, this means implementing the margin-inline, margin-inline-start and margin-inline-end Properties. …

Visual bug fixes and support for inline data


The Day started with me testing the measurement system only to find out it worked... like as far as I could see, it worked. This was unexpected. There were some visual bugs I found, that I fixed after adjusting the BLOCK_OFFSET_X from yesterday to …



Today I'll most likely be fixing yesterday's bugs, getting the Flow layout completely functional with auto margins and stuff. I started by adding support the box-sizing property to Chimera and NLayout. The offset bug I described yesterday. The blue …


Text Rendering and some thoughts about the future.

Intro It's been weeks, maybe even months since I've touched this project... oh god. I started finally implementing the renderer I created in the delphirender module. Starting with a very simple Flow layout that just places elements after each other. …